Competition is out. Community is in.

How to outplay the big players and ace brand loyalty.

If you’re not a brand giant, chances are you’re up against one. If you are one, odds are you’re looking to the smaller players for creative ways to get ahead. You both want what the other has: agility and creativity Vs being crowd favourite. Going head-to-head will no longer push you over the edge and into the people’s shopping basket.

Being a category community leader wins you brand loyalty and bragging rights in this game of brand. Here’s how:

Please the people. Stay true to yourself

Gloria’s 6th brand law states that you must meet the needs of your consumer while sticking to your vision and all its creative expressions. Copy your competition and you’ll lose focus, but stick to your strategy and you’ll stick in the minds of those that matter to you. Don’t be influenced by the crowd, but be open to consumer feedback via research groups, insta polls and product reviews.

Your game face says it all

The front face of your pack can make you first pick off the shelf, but it’s your face as a founder that consumers are really buying into. Building a brand with a founder's story creates trust and assurance and solidifies you as a business with a purpose. Keep influencers and ambassadors as part of your team (they bring eyeballs to your product) and level up with your what and why. People buy from people with a heartfelt story.

Stand out for the Stans 

You know you’ve hit the mark when your brand has Stans (an obsessed fanbase who rally together to make a name for themselves). But how do you find them? Like all great friendships, communities are built on like-minded interests and values. The more you live and breathe them, the deeper your level of connection. Talk to what people are talking about. That’s how they’ll talk about you.

Be the heart of clubs

Brands like Everyday Humans and Nimble Activewear are now hosting catch-ups like run clubs to educate and engage all while intimately getting to know more about their audiences. Consumers can equally benefit from club connections through exclusive access to new products, reward-based points systems and discounts. Clubs are a powerful community building tool as they have the ability to strengthen brand loyalty and bring genuine connection through in-person communities. What’s not to lose?

Championing community over competition drives brand growth through connection. It solidifies you as a player whose performance is based on purpose, not profit. And that’s a winning mindset.

Want a better game plan on how to connect brand with community? Let’s get the ball rolling…
